So many parents tell me that getting their toddlers and preschoolers to stay in bed at night is a real challenge. For many parents, bedtime is a battle and the evenings are so loooong, as their child just keeps getting up or calling out.
The good news is that there is a LOT you can do to help them want to stay in bed and actually go to sleep!
Click through to find out WHY your child is resisting bed time - and what you can do to help them get off to sleep sooner.
Sleep disruption and tiredness is THE most common challenge facing the parents I speak to and teach. It's natural for small babies to wake regularly at night for feeds and comfort, and most children take two years and sometimes more to regularly sleep through the night.
So coping with sleep disruption is a fundamental skill for parents of babies and young children! And here's where mindfulness can really help you to cut the stress of sleep loss.