On those days where you’re really feeling anxious or flat, it can be hard to get out of that hole – especially when you just can’t take a break from parenting to do something nice for yourself.
Well, I have a practice to help you feel better on those days - but which will also help you build the skill of feeing good on a daily basis. And it’s proven by science to actually work!
The next stage in simplifying and making more space in your family life is to slow down the pace of life and schedule less. Read on for some tips for descheduling your children’s and your own lives.
That’s all good, but many parents say to me - how do we do this when we work? Well there are ways to make the down-time much more relaxing so you feel like your life is less hectic – I’ll give you some of these strategies as well.
Does your mind feel frazzled and full of too many things to juggle? The combination of fast and busy lives and the information overload of so much use of technology is causing your brain to overflow! And our children are suffering from this too.
Well, it’s not too late for you to take charge of your kids’ lives – and your own – to cut down the digital overload and get some headspace. Your children can still have a simpler, creative childhood, but it will take a bit of effort on your part to design it this way.
Read on for 5 Ways to free up childhood from technology, 5 Ways to Simplify Your Child’s Home Environment, and finally 5 Ways to Find More Headspace in your own life.
Are you feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, run down? Life just seems to move ever faster and to be fuller than ever with things to get done. Will it ever slow down?!
Well, only if we actively slow ourselves and our children down by simplifying our lives. I’ve got some great ideas to help you do just this. Starting with Simplifying Christmas!
So you’re interested in mindful parenting. Perhaps the idea of feeling calmer and more connected with your kids appeals to you? Or you want to change your angry reactions to loving and wise ones?
So what has meditation got to do with being a mindful parent? Can’t I just do this style of parenting without sitting down to meditate?